這篇是豬豬在離開台積電之後沒多久,收到人事部門的招降信之後,寫的回應。嚴格說來算是投誠書,因為台積電的福利太好了,只是想弄個爽一點的位子(老闆:喂!你之前就夠爽了咧~)老實說我當時一直找不到工作,擁有CCNP等IT認証和良好人格特質與經驗,還是沒人要><|| 學歷是個重大問題,畢竟不是本科系的;另外就是工作職能和前途(事業)規畫的問題,這方面我小小地鞭了一下台積的人事部門,看倌們看看就好。要兼顧批判與自尊和投誠低姿態,是很不容易的!!這跟日月光那位高學歷份子的聰明睿智有所區別,在相似的抱怨文當中,你可以發現這種產業真的很浪費人才,也可以發現學歷有多重要。人家可以去唸博士另謀高就,豬只能搖尾要飯吃...哈哈~(好家在豬豬自己開了一條生路,也弄了張文憑,不需要再搖尾巴了)
Subject: The thinking in my mind 2003/11/16 11:07 PM
Dear sir,
Thank you for your time to take notice of this letter. I am happy to hear TSMC's growth and keep high reputation as usual.
As a little screw of this great machine, I had paid much energy and time in it, not really care of my life scale between myself and work though, responsibility of an engineer triggered me to enhance ability of myself, to communicate with users skillfully, to study system and networks ceaselessly, to plan much more goals in future,etc. But I found something more important as time goes by, to take care of my health and my family, to find out my career path not work path, to get better finanial policy reducing my worry about future life, to do something that give me sense of achievements, not fighting in grey area.That's why I decided to leave TSMC after a long time consideration and baking a screw to be a knife, a free lancer.I am not really want to leave employee's position, but much worry about how many screws and elements of this great machine will think about the same thing."Work smart" should not be only way to solve all problems and lead screws to "work hard" as result, best employer should put screws in right place and lead screws to do right thing in clear areas, and worry what they are worrying about, TSMC is the best employer in Asia, I think she will be the best employer in the world if all elements in this machine get welfare through the spirit with good fortune.
Dear sir,
Thank you for your time to take notice of this letter. I am happy to hear TSMC's growth and keep high reputation as usual.
As a little screw of this great machine, I had paid much energy and time in it, not really care of my life scale between myself and work though, responsibility of an engineer triggered me to enhance ability of myself, to communicate with users skillfully, to study system and networks ceaselessly, to plan much more goals in future,etc. But I found something more important as time goes by, to take care of my health and my family, to find out my career path not work path, to get better finanial policy reducing my worry about future life, to do something that give me sense of achievements, not fighting in grey area.That's why I decided to leave TSMC after a long time consideration and baking a screw to be a knife, a free lancer.I am not really want to leave employee's position, but much worry about how many screws and elements of this great machine will think about the same thing."Work smart" should not be only way to solve all problems and lead screws to "work hard" as result, best employer should put screws in right place and lead screws to do right thing in clear areas, and worry what they are worrying about, TSMC is the best employer in Asia, I think she will be the best employer in the world if all elements in this machine get welfare through the spirit with good fortune.
The knife could become screw now, after achievement of some thing I must to do in my life. But educational background will be a threshold, whether my talent will be brought into play is my major concern.I'd think I had put in wrong place before, although I am not really a skilled-hand.TSMC family would be the number one of my mind if I wanna choose a company which someone ask me what is my favorite company in this country.
Best Regards,
Best Regards,